Weekend Edition: Extending the Lesson

Yesterday I described some of the ways that I have been learning about myself during this new life. There have been endless lessons for all of us, for our country, and for our world in this time of pandemic. Scroll down for another message from Sr. Barbara Kennedy, OSM. May it be so.

And here’s a website that shows what it looks like when we do rise up and do better: Love Beyond Walls   Be sure to  scroll down to the video at the bottom of the home page, and read Terence and Cecelia Lester’s story here: Lesters' Story  Then watch the video about the portable washing stations that allow homeless people to at least wash their hands now: Washing Stations    
There are more Love Beyond Walls videos here: Videos

Until tomorrow, take good care, all of you, and stay healthy. I am holding each of you in my heart this day and every day. We are not alone.


Quote by Jodi Miller, Mayor of Freeport, Illinois


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