Awe, Amazement, Deep Joy...

We’ve all had many reactions to the strange and disturbing world we inhabit now. Most of us probably have cycled through a range of reactions within moments, depending upon how, where, and when we get our news. But I wonder how many of us have truly been awed or amazed lately, or how many of us have experienced deep joy while we’ve been socially distanced and sheltering in place. Those are huge feelings. They might not come to you here. But if you let yourself relax and sink in, perhaps you’ll experience one of them through this immersive Van Gogh exhibition from the Atelier des Lumières, or Studio of Lights, in Paris: Van Gogh 

If you prefer Gustav Klimt, here’s a link for you:  Klimt

“Dreamed Japan” would have been better without the tourists and background noise, but the lanterns starting at 7:54 are particularly mesmerizing: "Dreamed Japan"

There’s more to see here: Atelier Lumieres.  Be sure to scroll down to the photographs on the pages for “Monet, Renoir… Chagall. Journeys Around the Mediterranean” and “Yves Klein, Infinite Blue.”

Thank you, Eve, for sending me the link to the Van Gogh exhibit! It’s good to be reminded of the beauty and creativity in this world, and that they are still available to us even in dark times.

Until tomorrow, stay safe, be well, and savor the moments of awe, amazement, or deep joy that can lift us up and empower us to keep going forward.



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