Weekend Edition: Holding Space for Humor

These are dark and heavy times, to be sure, and there is much cause for weeping. I had a moment myself yesterday, after spending distanced time with a beloved small grandchild I cannot hug or hold. We all have griefs to bear. All the more reason, though, to keep space for humor in our lives and to look for it every day. Not to deny the pain or minimize its reality, but to strive for some balance.

Here are some photographs of humor we've spotted on our recent walks in our neighborhood and elsewhere around Portland:

Misspelling aside, I'd love to have this one in my yard. And for those who've forgotten Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks sketch, here it is again, complete with corny laugh track: Silly Walks

This one is a repeat for this blog, but in case you missed it the first time:
You probably know all about the plastic ponies hooked to the horse rings around old Portland neighborhoods. But have you seen this one?
Here's one from my friend Ted, a man of endless gifts. One of the best is that he's a master chocolatier. Coronavirus truffle, anyone?

And for those who like their humor in song, try this sendup from the Starlets:
ABBA Isolation Medley Thank you, Cathy, for sending it to me.

Until tomorrow, wear your mask but don't let it hide your smile. And stay safe, everyone.



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