An Empty Jar

After several days of writing about dreams, I'm turning to something more tangible: jars. Have you any? If so, you have an opportunity today. An empty jar can be the start of so many ways to nourish yourself or others, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

I go through a lot of jars at my house. I make vegetable broth every couple of weeks, or whenever I've saved up enough peelings and scraps for it. Into jars it goes for storage in freezer or fridge. Same with the soups I make every week. I always have a jar or two of homemade applesauce on hand. I like to keep some and give some away.

I'm constantly making granola for Carl and for family and friends. My deal is that if I give you a jar of granola or applesauce and you bring it back to me, I'll fill it up for you again. That brings me visits I enjoy and helps keep me in jars.

It was a good day for me when I learned about chia pudding. Have you ever tried it? It's packed with protein, delicious, and easy to make: just dump some chia seeds into a jar and add about twice as much milk or milk substitute. Stir, don't shake (the seeds will fly all over and stick to the sides of the jar if you do), and store in the refrigerator. After about 20  minutes, you'll have a sort of pudding. Stir again. If it's too thick, add more liquid. If too thin, add more seeds. That's it. I make mine with soymilk and eat it warm with raisins, cinnamon, apple chunks, and chopped nuts. But it's great as is, straight out of the jar.

But enough about food. Here's what else you could do with a jar today:
  • Make a glitter jar to help calm your mood. It's like a snow globe. When you're feeling your blood pressure rise, shake or swirl the jar and sit with it. As you watch the glitter settle, your heart rate will start to slow and your stress will begin to lower. This one needs water, glitter, a fair amount of glycerine, and a bit of dish soap. Mindfulness Glitter Jar But I've seen online recipes that use baby oil or glitter glue. This video shows how to do it with Elmer's glue:  Glitter Jar Here's a mom who says that plain water works for her. She also makes some cool color bottles that can calm mood: Sensory Bottles  I've only done it with glycerine, but in these days of limited shopping, one of the other methods could be a good alternative for you.
  • Start a beauty and kindness collection. Remember that old bumper sticker about "senseless acts of beauty and random acts of kindness"? We can surely use more of that now. So why not collect ideas for ways that you or those who live with you can commit these uplifting acts? Just write them down on small pieces of paper, then store them in a jar. When kindness or beauty seem like a good idea, pull out a slip at random and do whatever it says. 
  • Create a worry jar. Are you feeling anxious? Finding it hard to keep your mind off stressful thoughts? Write them as they occur and drop them into your jar. Tell yourself that you can then let them go; they'll be safe in the jar. Once a day, give yourself a set amount of time  -- 20 minutes or so -- to review the notes in your jar and let yourself feel the anxiety they arouse. Then take a long, deep breath, put them back into the jar, and let them go until the next day.
  • Start saving change for causes that count. So many charities and nonprofits are doing vital work these days. All could use our help. Check your purse, wallet, or piggy bank, and dig in the couch cushions. Maybe you keep change in your car? Gather it up now and start saving. When your jar is full, donate the money to one or more causes that can help make a difference in our world.

You'll have more ideas for ways to use an empty jar. Sometimes all we need is the spark to get us going on something new. And whether you decide to do a jar project or not, you might want to take a few minutes out to hear a story for our times. Moody Cow Meditates has been one of Cedar's favorite books, and it's one of ours, as well. Although we're no longer sitting on the floor together to share this treasure, we look forward to doing so again. In the meantime, we probably can all identify with Moody Cow a bit more these days. You can see and hear how a visit from Grandfather and a glitter jar save the day at Moody Cow 

Until tomorrow, I wish you peace and calm. Stay well.



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