YoYo Ma and Son

Although I am limiting my news intake, we all need to know what’s going on around us. So I intended to watch PBS news last night, forgetting that it was Saturday. What a lucky mistake! Instead of watching news, I ended up watching a splendid Mr. Rogers special. There were many highlights (it’s pledge week, after all), but one was a charming excerpt from the video link below. As we turn our thoughts more to our families and give thanks that the virus is sparing little children, what could be sweeter than watching a young YoYo Ma accompany his small son in a duet of “Skater’s Waltz”? It’s about 2 minutes in, but the whole video is only 4 minutes long, and it’s a delight. And who doesn’t need more time with Mr. Rogers these days?

Do you have access to online music? YoYo Ma has an extraordinarily diverse catalog, everything from classical  to Brazilian to one of my favorites, the Goat Rodeo Sessions (which is just what it sounds like. More information here: Goat Rodeo Sessions) If you’re not familiar with his music, I suggest Classic YoYo as a good introductory album. YoYo Ma Archive And whether it’s listening to YoYo Ma or simply humming to yourself, don’t we all feel lighter when we have music in our ear? For my money, now is always a perfect time to hear some  music. Maybe it would be a good time for you to do the same. What would you like to hear?

Stay healthy, everyone!



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