I Love Technology

Do you recognize the title of today’s e-mail? Did you ever see the movie “Napoleon Dynamite”?  It’s been 15 years since it came out, but I still laugh when bits of it come to mind, including the deeply romantic love song about technology: Wedding Song I’ve long since lost my power to make any of my family (including even patient Carl) watch it with me, but I still have a DVD here at home. If we’re kept inside for too long, I might just drag it back out!

For now, like most people these days, Carl and I have been finding new ways to reach out and to find some normalcy as we shelter in place. Those who know me well know that yes, as a matter of fact, I DO expect to be the last person on earth using a flip phone. And no, I have never had a social media account other than e-mail. That won’t change. But as FaceTime has become a precious way to connect with family and friends, even I have come to embrace at least some of the gifts of technology. 

One of my current favorites is the Nike Training App. Thanks to my son Joel, who alerted me that the fee-based app is now available for free. Carl downloaded it to his phone, and it looks great. Whatever your fitness level or interest, check out this app if you’d like to have a virtual personal trainer’s help with workouts, nutrition tips, and wellness guidance. There’s yoga on the app, too. Nike Training Club

"The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks” is another treasure. Expect to be amazed at: National Parks  Need some convincing? Tune in here to see Utah’s Bryce Canyon as you’ve likely not seen it before: Bryce Canyon Be sure to use the 360° feature to explore the night sky.

If you’re a life-long learner, there are some terrific opportunities to study online for free. Yale is offering a course in The Science of Well-Being that seems particularly relevant now. Find it here: Science of Well-Being [NOTE: You need a Facebook account for this one.] Arizona State University has just launched “ASU for You,” a variety of classes for children, teens, and adults. Many are free, including K-12 video lessons, labs, and simulations; library access; and my favorite, virtual field trips. I don’t expect to make it back to Mexico any time soon, but it’s been cool to tour Teotihuacan with experts.  “Ask a Biologist” and “Ask an Anthropologist” have a lot of fun and interesting links. The NASA Psyche Mission Innovation Toolkit includes a series of free online courses. Find it all at ASU Classes  And check back; more content is on the way.

To my great surprise, it turns out that I do love some aspects of technology, and I’m appreciating them even more in these days of distancing. How have you found ways to stay connected with family and friends, stay physically active, and expand your horizons? And what surprising discoveries have you made about yourself lately? Even in  — perhaps especially in — these trying times, there are still new things to learn every day. How lucky we are that we have gifts of technology to help us right now!

Until tomorrow, stay safe and be well. Virtual hugs to you all.



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