Dancing with Joy

Have you ever seen this photo of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu? Can you tell what they’re doing?

                                                                   (Photo credit: Tenzin Choejor)

They’re dancing! Awkwardly, to be sure. But dancing. And with such joy!  They had a combined age of around 165 when this photograph was taken at the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday party, and they look like a couple of kids. Their impishness is legendary. And for real. Maybe that’s part of what has sustained them both through harrowing times in their lives.

We can’t all be like them, but we can dance with joy in our own lives. Personally, I dance around in my house on a regular basis. If there’s music playing — and there usually is — I’m probably shaking or swaying or wiggling along with it one way or another. It’s not pretty, I’m sure. But it makes me feel good from my head to my toes, and it definitely helps me deal with life’s stressors.

Whether you dance in your kitchen, on a stage, or in your dreams, moving to music is one of the best ways I know to lift mood and reduce anxiety. And don’t we all need more of that these days? If you haven’t tried it lately, maybe today will be your dancing day. Check this out if you need any more motivation:
Senior Swing

 Now THAT’s joy!
 Until tomorrow, take good care, everyone, and be well.



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