Art for the Soul

Do you like this painting? I love it. The colors, the gestures, the birds. All of it sings to me.  My cousin Ruthie painted this. She’s not a longtime artist; this is a new hobby for her, and she’s putting more time into it now that she’s at home. It’s one of the ways that she stays grounded and holds onto a sense of normalcy in her her life.

Look again at Ruthie’s painting. What are those people doing? Ruthie says they’re dancing ladies, and they are surely that. But is that what you see? Perhaps they might also be greeting the birds. Or waving goodbye. Or offering a blessing. That’s one of the great pleasures of looking at a painting. We each see the image from our own perspective.

Are you an artist? Do you like to make things with your hands? Whether you paint or doodle, quilt or collage, sculpt or scrapbook, is there something you can make or work on today that would feed your soul and bring pleasure or delight to others? Creating art is holy and healing work. And sharing it is a gift to the world. If you’re an artist or crafter (and I know who at least some of you are out there!), please send me a photo of your work, and I’ll share it with the group. Maybe we can have our own virtual art show soon?

And speaking of virtual art exhibits, here’s a free ticket to a virtual tour of fabulous art museums: The Musee d'Orsay in Paris, the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Art Museums

Thank you, Ruthie, for sharing your work with me and for giving me permission to share it with others. Bless you, artists, for your vision and creativity, and for the joy you bring to the rest of us. Take good care, everyone, and stay healthy.

Until tomorrow,

Love from Nancie/Mom/Mimi/Grandma


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